Assessing Ankle Dorsiflexion in Pitchers

Assessing Ankle Dorsiflexion in Pitchers

Assessing Ankle Dorsiflexion in Pitchers Take a look at the following gifs. Specifically, take a look at their rear-leg ankle. Notice anything?    What you are observing is called dorsiflexion. Dorsiflexion is the motion about the tibiotalar (common ankle) joint...

Connecting Recovery and Mobility: Webinar

More often than not, when we think of the recovery process in baseball our thoughts land on the importance or restoring nutrients & fluids, getting enough sleep, and removing fatigue. All good things, really.  But how frequently does the conversation direct itself...

Abdominal bracing, core strength & teaching irradiation

Today’s post comes from Tyler Dobos; strength and conditioning coach & soon to be doctor of chiropractic. As you’ll find out, Tyler did an excellent job reviewing two recent research articles on the topic before describing the importance of abdominal bracing and...

Podcast: Patrick Jones Baseball

 Last week I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Patrick Jones Baseball Podcast. Patrick has done a tremendous job building out a successful podcast that has included notable guests like Ben Reiter, Bronson Aroyo, Steve Delabar and a number of ‘who’s...
Catcher Specific Hip Warm-up Routine

Catcher Specific Hip Warm-up Routine

Over the summer, one of our collegiate players was asked to begin a transition from playing only infield to taking on catching some innings. Making a quick switch like this can be a physically demanding proposition, especially for players who do not have the requisite...