Catcher Specific Hip Warm-up Routine

Catcher Specific Hip Warm-up Routine

Over the summer, one of our collegiate players was asked to begin a transition from playing only infield to taking on catching some innings. Making a quick switch like this can be a physically demanding proposition, especially for players who do not have the requisite...

Keeping up with Baseball Research: 7/18/2018

Here’s this latest edition of Keeping up with Baseball Research (7/18/2018). I’ve been spending a great deal of time looking into command, motor learning, and trying to build a model for how it all fits together. This is obviously a long term project, but...

Questioning Conventional Practice for Pitchers

Pitchers at Practice   “If pitchers spent as much time practicing and performing joint mobility work as they do on PFP’s per week we’d see a significant difference in performance & injury reduction” This came up in a conversation with a few guys in ta...