by Admin BDG | Feb 8, 2018 | Athletes, Mobility
A lot of the players that we see attempting to perform side lying hip CARs (controlled articular rotations) show two common difficulties. More often then not, they are unable to maintain a rigid torso and substitute accessory motion in the knee with extension....
by Admin BDG | Jan 28, 2018 | Athletes, Coaches
Introduction: Preparing for a Showcase A common theme that we deal with in Ontario are athletes showcasing during the beginning or end of an offseason. You’ll see players or teams host or attend showcases in February through April (our season starts in May) or even as...
by The BDG Team | Sep 7, 2017 | Athletes, Coaches
Every once in awhile a random thought pops into your head and makes you think “naw, that can’t be true…can it?” The other day I caught a tweet about Justin Verlander’s fielding position on his 103rd pitch of the game. That deep into the game JV was still...
by The BDG Team | Aug 15, 2017 | Athletes, Coaches
ARTICULAR HEALTH: WHAT IT MEANS FOR MOVEMENT, INJURY AND HOW TO TRACK IT Why do I care so much about individual joint health? For the developing high school, college and young pro baseball player the primary focus is trending towards getting bigger, stronger, and...
by The BDG Team | Jun 7, 2017 | Athletes, Coaches
Players, coaches, and parents are exposed to hundreds of new ideas each day. The explosion of information online is incredible for the eager learner, but should come with a word of caution – sometimes more isn’t always better. It can lead to confusion, tire...
by The BDG Team | May 7, 2017 | Athletes, Coaches
After establishing Baseball Development Group in the spring of 2016, John and I knew that our inaugural winter development program would be a process of trial and error. Although we were on the same page philosophically and had successfully worked together in the...