Growth Mindset has always been a big part of BDG! The first output a team creates is Culture and Growth Mindset is a Culture. Now we are bringing that culture to the surface by formalizing the process with the Growth Mindset assessment and the Growth Mindset Program.
The BDG Growth Mindset Assessment and Program is a year-round Mindset training commitment that entails individualized Assessments and curriculum, with optional in person coaching with our professionally trained staff.
Each player will complete a detailed questionnaire/interview with of our mental performance coaches, to establish an individual Mindset Profiles. Parents are encouraged to not only attend, but encouraged to complete their own profile as well. We gather our findings, present them back to you, and develop a program specifically tailored to help you optimize intent, decisions, and mindset.
Ready to chase down your potential?
1. Growth Mindset Assessment Questionaire and Interview
The First Step in our Growth Mindset Program is to book an Assessment. Assessments include either on in person or video meeting, where in which the player or athlete will work with one of our Mental Performance Coaches on building a Mindset Profile from which a program is then created.
Book an Assessment
To Book your Growth Mindset Assessment Email or Call Us Today!
2. Follow Up Meeting
After the Assessment is completed and the Player Profile is done, the real work begins. Players, Coaches and Parents come to gether to communicate, discuss and review the profile. A custom cirriculum/program is then created and laid out before both the athlete and the parents.

3. Growth Mindset Program: Individualized Textbook and Curriculum
The Individualized Textbook and Cirriculum is specificall designed for each player. Content, workbook, exercises and follow up questionaires are all designed to be tailored to the players indiivdual mindset.
Request a Call
If you are not sure about booking an assessment but want to learn more. Call us or email us and we will call you back
6 Month Program
*tax not included*+ Average of 1 Mental Performance Coaching session per month (in person or online)
+ In-Person Professional Mental Performance Assessment and Profile Creation
+ Individualized Programming (growth mindset, meta mindset, decision making, self awareness resources and more)
+ Textbook, Resource Guide, Exercise Guide, Individualized Curriculum Program
For any inquiries regarding the Growth Mindset Program please contact:
Growth Mindset Coordinator – Eric Stickney at 647-338-3596 ericjstickney@gmail.com
Mental Performance Coach -Jmi Worthen at 202-423-4256 jmi.worthen@mail.utoronto.ca
Co Owner – Alex Hawley at 647-405-2300 alex@baseballdevelopmentgroup.com
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